Why Do cats PURR?

Purring is the most common sound cats make. Yet we know less about it than meowing, chirping, chattering, hissing, and growling.

Yes, cats purr when they’re content. When yours is curled up in the sun, you may hear a gentle rumble as they breathe in and out. Touch them, and you feel a little quiver. It’s almost as if they are sending out waves of calm.

But you shouldn’t assume that sound means your cat is in a good mood. Or that it’s the only time you’ll hear it. Cats purr to communicate other emotions and needs, too.


They Are Happy

Your cat looks relaxed. Perhaps they are on their back, eyes half-closed, tail mostly still. If they are purring, it’s safe to assume they are in their happy place. That noise is a big smile.

They Are Hungry or Wants Something

Some cats purr when it’s mealtime. British researchers studied the sounds that house cats make when they’re hungry and when food isn’t on their minds. The purrs don’t sound the same.

Kitten-Mother Connection

Kittens can purr when they’re only a few days old. It’s probably a way to let their mothers know where they are or that they’re okay.

Your Cat Is Content

Cat owners have seen their cat purr when they are content and happy, similar to how dogs wag their tails. When your cat is sitting on your lap and getting pets and scratches, they are probably purring as well, and maybe even kneading your leg or a blanket. This nonverbal form of communication tells you that life is good and that your cat is very happy with the current situation.

Your Cat Is Self-Medicating

But what about a cat that is purring during labor? What does cat purring mean then? Believe it or not, cats also use purring as a form of self-medication and pain control.

Purring may have developed as a mechanism to keep a cat’s bones and muscles in peak condition. This is helpful during the long periods of inactivity in their style of hunting, which is to wait for prey to come by and then ambush it.

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